Consent_Form CONSENT FORM Institutional Review Board for Baylor College of Medicine and Affiliated Hospitals Toward Precision Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine H-52758 - IMAGINE RESEARCH PROGRAM: TOWARD PRECISION MEDICINE AT BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Concise and Focused Presentation The purpose of this research study is to learn more about the genetic and biological causes of different health conditions and diseases. Taking part in this study is voluntary. As an alternative, you can choose not to take part in this study. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to give us permission to collect and use your samples (e.g., blood or saliva) and data. Samples can be collected from your routine clinical care or through a research visit. The data from your samples will be linked to the information in your medical record existing now and in the future. The collected samples and information will be stored and available for use for the duration of the study, or until you stop your participation. There are no costs to you and you will not get paid to participate. A benefit of participation is that you may receive results about your genetic risk for certain conditions that are of clinical relevance to you or your family, but not all participants may receive results. The risks to you may include potential bruising or discomfort related to blood draw. Additionally, learning your genetic testing results may cause emotional distress or uncomfortable feelings. You may not get any direct health benefits from taking part in this study. We hope what we learn from this study will help us understand the causes of a range of medical conditions and develop new and more effective treatments. Leave this field blank